Conference Theme: CONNECTIONS
This can apply to colleagues across disciplines, students in and out of the classroom, friends and family, or interdisciplinary connections that have been gained or lost. We look forward to getting together with like-minded colleagues to discuss and explore any and all connections.
Location: 1,000 Islands Harbor Hotel in Clayton, NY: https://www.1000islandsharborhotel.com
Registration Form: – HERE
Call for Presenters: use this link for submitting a proposal. The deadline for submissions has been extended to March 1st.
Call for Presiders: Please use THIS GOOGLE DOC (Will open in a new tab)
Hotel Registration Deadline is March 15th, 2023 Deadline for hotel registration has been extended to April 5,2023: Use This Form
Vendors, advertisers, and sponsorship opportunities: Please use This Form
Conference Evaluation: HERE
This Year’s Keynote Speaker:
John Eric Goff, University of Lynchburg

A Sporting Effort to Maintain Rigor in a Tough Academic Climate
Teaching and researching at a small university is accompanied by a myriad of struggles. Shrinking department budgets, ever expanding administrative structures, growing number of ill-prepared and unmotivated students, and pressure to fill classrooms and keep them filled are merely some of the struggles we face. I will discuss how I have navigated through a tough academic landscape for more than 20 years. Part of that navigation has been using my research area of sports physics to arouse in some students a real passion for physics and research. My work with World Cup soccer balls and the Tour de France, for example, has stoked excitement in students. Given all of the genuine reasons to be pessimistic about the current state of affairs at colleges and universities that do not sit near the top of the rankings, I want to offer a few ideas that might help inject optimism into academic departments.
NYSMATYC is pleased to announce that world-renowned sports physicist Dr. John Eric Goff will be giving the keynote at this year’s annual conference. The presentation is titled: A Sporting Effort to Maintain Rigor in a Tough Academic Climate and is scheduled for Saturday night, April 15 th , 2023 in Clayton NY.
Goff, a professor of physics at the University of Lynchburg, has researched many areas of sports physics including the air friction of the designs of World Cup soccer balls, the friction between shoes and hard courts in tennis, and modeling for contestants of the Tour de France. Goff has authored two books: The physics of Krav Maga and Gold Medal Physics, and has co-authored dozens of research articles on a variety of sports physics applications.
Goff has also been a guest on numerous episodes of Star Talk Radio with Neil deGrasse Tyson, most recently to discuss the physics of the World Cup.
Additionally, he has done physics commentary as part of TuneIn’s NFL coverage in 2017 and has contributed to articles in TIME, The New York Times, Business Insider, The Wall Street Journal, WIRED, BBC and more.
You can view Dr. John Eric Goff’s CV here, and listen to his most recent guest appearance on Star Talk Radio here.
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2023 Conference Schedule